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Engleză Looking for a summer internship for credit?
Looking for a summer internship for credit?

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Franceză stage d'été
Limba sursă
Engleză Dreamvision ENB give you a fantastic view mix...
Dreamvision ENB give you a fantastic view mix with realism.
Français de France

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Franceză Pub pour Dreamvision ENB
Limba sursă
Engleză Thank you for your continued business with...
Thank you for your continued business with [Company Name].
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as we continue to grow our partnership in 2017!
This translation is needed for our Quebec French business partners, wishing them a merry holiday season and continued growth together.

Thank you!
French from Quebec

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Franceză voeux de nouvel an
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Engleză For use with liquid propane gas grills only.
For use with liquid propane gas grills only.
To tell french and spanish speaking people that the included hose and regulator is for LP gas grills only

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Franceză grill
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Engleză Message to French friend
Careful my friend. Rudolph is cheating on you.

He has another girlfriend in England.

I know you both, but I cannot tell you who I am, sorry. I just wanted to let you know.
The story behind this text is that a group of us have a friend who is cheating on his girlfriend (who is also our friend), and we have decided to message her anonymously to let her know, as it has got pretty bad. However if we message her in English, she will suspect it was one of us that messaged her, so its best we message her in her native language (french).

This needs to be translated in the form that someone would write a casual message to a friend by text message. Also note that the 'friend' is female so would be 'Amie' as appose to 'Ami' I am guessing??

This need to be in French from France.

Traduceri completate
Franceză traduction
Limba sursă
Engleză Get away with it
Get away with it
Dont have to be the litterally translated, just the translation of the general meaning/expression

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Franceză Tourne la page
Spaniolă Escápate con eso.
Limba sursă
Bască zer erran nahi du "leroglifa" itzak
zer erran nahi du "leroglifa" itzak

Traduceri completate
Franceză Que veut dire le mot "Ieroglifa" ( hiéroglyphe)
Limba sursă
Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză Citation amour
someone you find yourself thinking about all the time, the person you are completely infatuated with

Traduceri completate
Franceză Citation amour